Wednesday, 31 August 2016

Don’t Do Chores On A Bank Holiday Weekend

Before moving to Singapore I worried about loads of things, but mostly my shy nature and ability to make friends when I would be totally new.  I needn’t have worried, and although I have heard of lots of scenarios where the trailing spouse is left depressed by their new home I was unbelievably lucky to meet loads of friendly people and make a lot of friends.
afternoon tea overlooking Marina Bay
However, every bank holiday, and there are a few, as well as every summer and Christmas holiday it became impossible to make plans as everyone cleared out.  So Bank holidays/long weekends were a great time to go adventuring and get off the island.

Bank holidays in the UK may be less glamourous but I was ready to celebrate the last one of the year.  In Scotland we get Hogmanay instead of a day in late summer so this was officially my second August bank holiday ever to make use of. 
The Hickory Inn
The big plans included going swimming in Exmouth, visiting Darts Farm, going to Soup Stock at Knightshayes and attending Party in the Park in Tiverton.  We duly celebrated International Dog Day on Friday by taking our sweet little Daisy out with us to The Hickory Inn which is in the next village over from us as they are dog friendly. 
Daisy choosing Dinner
However our weekend went decidedly downhill afterwards when on Saturday morning I opened the washing machine to an outpouring of water.  Then whilst mopping up the spill and attempting to drain the machine the handle broke off and locked it shut.  We quickly figured out that it looked like the dishwasher had pumped dirty water into the washing machine as it had filled up of its own volition at some point, so Mark went off to book a repair whilst I surveyed the scene. 

Now in hindsight I can see that although my pile of dirty clothes was the closest   thing to initially mop up the water, it wasn’t the smartest move.  I would happily have thrown out some old towels that we wouldn’t be able to wash and dry, but now we had to get our work clothes into a washing machine pronto.
We tried 2 laundrettes before we found a clean, airy, large one, unfortunately it wasn’t manned, but there was a helpful American woman who had recently relocated to Devon who showed us the ropes.  Oh lovely expats! 

Soon enough we had a pile of soft, fluffy, clean, folded laundry ready to take home.  I’d never quite understood why Elspeth Thomson in one of my favourite books ever, The Wonderful Weekend Book, suggested that ‘laundromats were far superior to having your own washer/drier’, however although I wouldn’t go as far as to agree, it was quite nice to get everything done in less than an hour.

I'm pretty sure the moral of the story is that chores shouldn’t be done on a Bank Holiday weekend, and the only option is to go traveling.  Oh and if you didn’t celebrate International Dog Day you’ve a lot of making up to do with your four legged friend.
A 'dogs dinner'