On Saturday Mark and I took full advantage of the
glorious autumn weather and headed out to Knightshayes for a sit down and rest
for him / walk for me and Daisy in the sunshine.
Daisy and I headed to the top car park and walked
past the kiddos making dens in the woods to follow the path out through the
trees to start our walk. I love the
Impey walk and think it’s a great opportunity for her to be off the lead and
sniff around in the ‘proper countryside’ like she used to in Scotland. I love to see her run free without a care in
the world and just go wherever her nose takes her.
This is a super easy walk and we passed a few other
people out with dogs and kids, as we started at the top of the hill it was a
very easy downhill walk. Everyone was
going the opposite way from us which meant we were only in each other’s company
for a little while which fitted in with us perfectly. Although Daisy is good off the lead, I
wouldn’t have let her run quite so free if there was a convoy of people as
she’d be very inclined to say hello (read: putting her paws on their knee to signal
she wants attention)
Instead of looping back up the hill we walked out
the lower entrance and to the tea room where Mark had bagged a lovely spot in
the sun to have his black coffee in. I
got some tea and although I did look at the sweet treats, I decided it as it
would be just too mean to make Mark watch me nibble cake.
We stayed out for a little while before it started
to get a little bit dark (not hard at this time of year!) and whilst Mark
headed for the car, I started to walk Daisy down the hill so I could tire her
out a bit more before home time.
It was a really lovely way to spend the day,
especially as things have been a bit all over the place with Mark being
hospitalised so I was full of joy to be out and about having a nice relaxing
time. It’s such a pretty part of the
countryside and I always feel more at home being out on a hill and it felt like
ages since I’d really been outside and a bit peaceful. Let’s hope there are plenty more walks and
eventually hikes with Mark at my side!